Viral Unusual KamaSutra NFT launches 6 Awesme NFTs receives 2.4million impressions
KamaSutra India’s main sexual wellness model has launched the nation’s first ever NFTs within the class. Being a pioneering model that’s reckoned for introducing the idea of intercourse as a pleasure to India at present joined forces with Bobble AI, the nation’s largest dialog media platform with 65 million customers globally, to launch its six distinct NFTs as a part of its sexual wellness marketing campaign.

Your Next P2E NFT-Powered Experience
- Viral Uncommon KamaSutra launches 6 Awesme NFTs receives 2.4million impressions
- KamaSutra in affiliation with Bobble AI and Madison Media launches 6 NFTs
- 6 NFTs to normalize sexual conversations and drive the desirability of the model.
- KamaSutra Condoms will donate the funds generated from the NFT gross sales to Pathfinder Worldwide
- Within the first section 9 KamaSutra branded stickers have been created.
- The three finest performing stickers have been picked up for the second section of the marketing campaign
- These NFTs have been featured on Bobble AI’s new NFT storefront and KamaSutra’s social media platforms.
- The three of the 9 stickers are very talked-about on the Bobble AI platform garnering 2.4million impressions
- The three of the 9 stickers are very talked-about acquired upwards of 40K shares inside the first month.
- The sticker themes included banana, strawberry, and orange flavours of KamaSutra condoms.
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